For situations when, for various reasons, live plants cannot be used, Hercs Flora offers high-quality artificial plants as an alternative. Our range includes very small plants, artificial cut flowers, and large green houseplants. Not only can you buy them from us, you can also consult our designers to find the right combinations for any style of interior, both for greening projects and special celebrations. 

For what situations do we recommend using artificial plants?

There are generally three main reasons why live plants cannot or should not be used: if the conditions are not suitable, the plants are planned for a difficult-to-access location, or the weight of the display is important. More detail on these below. 

Unsuitable conditions for live plants most often include rooms with bad lighting, such as rarely-used meeting rooms, bars, nightclubs and other rooms where there is no or inconsistent natural or artificial light. Other factors are also important, such as air humidity, which can be impossible to ensure in some rooms.

Difficult-to-access locations must be taken into consideration when planning plant maintenance and safety. For example, artificial plants can be placed near electronics with no problems, while live plants may pose a risk due to their watering needs. Similarly, some locations such as between two panes of glass or near the ceiling may be too difficult to reach for regular maintenance.

Locations where weight is important are certainly more suited for artificial plants—they are up to four times as light as the same live plant.  

Plant variety and access

Hercs Flora offers plants of various sizes, textures and themes, so we have a wide range of artificial plants of different parameters: 

  • Size: we have plants up to 5 metres large, such as palm, dracaena, ficus and others, as well as smaller and hanging plants like ivy, Chinese evergreen, dieffenbachia and spathiphyllum. 
  • Different combinations: unlike live plants, when creating displays of artificial plants, we do not have to adhere to rules on mixing different plant varieties. This means that you can combine very different colour and texture variations based purely on visuals. 
  • Wide range of plants: we offer different colours and sizes of orchid, guzmania, anthurium and seasonal flowering plants. For florists, we offer various artificial leaves and cut flowers. These can be purchased both separately and in pre-prepared compositions for hotels and public spaces. 
  • Seasonal suitability: depending on the time of year or upcoming holiday, we offer artificial plants of various themes: Christmas tree, northern flora, artificial Midsummer plants, distinctly tropical artificial indoor plants.  
  • Prepared individually: our artists prepare large artificial trees to order, using a natural wood prototype as a basis and specially-prepared stumps as a foundation. The size of these trees can range from three to six metres tall. 

We also offer the aforementioned artificial plants for short-term hire for events, exhibitions and presentations.

Whatever your greening needs, we can offer not just living indoor plants, but also artificial ones. They are particularly useful when the room or layout prevents live, natural plants from being used. We will help not just with delivery, but also with choice and matching them with your interior. Please contact us directly for information on specific plants and artificial greening projects, as our assortment of plants is constantly changing. 



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