A built-in green wall is a unique design solution which also serves as an effective interior element which reflects company values like sustainability and environmentally-friendly operations. This kind of system is suitable for covering large surface areas in locations with a water source and drainage. With more than ten years’ experience, Hercs Flora is the leading green wall installer in Latvia.  

The presence of a green wall creates a visual effect which leaves an impression on your client, as well as showing your employees that you care about their well-being and health. The use of this kind of indoor greenery has a positive impact on a room’s air quality, as it absorbs carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and benzol, purifies and humidifies the air, and creates additional oxygen. In this kind of environment, employee productivity and client well-being increases.  

Green wall technological options

The first modern built-in green wall systems appeared around 2005. They were primitive, very expensive constructions which were able to plant a very limited range of plants. Over the past 15 years, the technology has improved enormously, and now green walls can include a great variety of plants. An innumerable combination of systems and installation methods have been developed extensively, with the technology becoming simpler and more accessible to consumers. 

Now, people no longer have to worry about everyday maintenance—looking after the wall is automated. The built-in green walls of today are watered using a computerised capillary system where each plant is watered separately. For this to happen, before installing the wall, there has to be a water source and drainage system. The project installer also needs to ensure an electricity and lighting source. 

Types of built-in green walls

The design of each wall is created individually, taking into account the client’s guidelines and budget. Plants can be combined in countless combinations based on variety, texture and colour. Depending on lighting, you can choose plants suited to darker or lighter locations. Hercs Flora also offers two types of built-in vertical gardens: a modular green wall and a fabric pocket wall. 

Modular green wall

Our modular green wall is comprised of several vertical modules. It is a high-quality, highly durable construction made of 100% recycled plastic. The modules are available in different depths, giving the option of choosing from a wide range of plants with different growth requirements and sizes. This kind of system is best for those who plan on using larger plants with extensive root systems. This construction is particularly suited to larger wall areas: atria, multi-story walls and outdoor walls. 

Fabric pocket green wall

A fabric green wall is built on a basis of synthetic felt. The biggest advantages of this system are space economy in a smaller room and comparatively simple installation. This system can be used to create a finely-detailed composition to be viewed for up close. The wall construction is light and does not take up much space, so it is suitable for any living space, office or small public space.

By evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of various built-in walls, you can achieve the results you desire. Hercs Flora’s artists and technical specialists can offer particular added value, helping you find the most suitable green wall for the size, lighting and moisture levels of your space.


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